Mastering Yumi Sin, A Comprehensive Guide to Handling His Snake and Supporting Your Team

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – In the vast realm of League of Legends, Yumi Sin stands as a unique and versatile support champion, capable of transforming allies into formidable forces on the battlefield. With her exceptional abilities and strategic positioning, Yumi empowers her teammates, turning the tide of battles in their favor.

This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of playing Yumi, providing a detailed analysis of her abilities, positioning, itemization, and synergy with allies.

Yumi’s passive ability, Prowling Projectile, enhances her basic attacks, granting her bonus magic damage and a stacking attack speed buff. Her Q, Piercing Arrow, is a powerful long-range skill shot that deals damage and slows enemies, making it an excellent tool for harassing opponents and initiating team fights.

W, Zoomies, allows Yumi to dash a short distance, granting her increased movement speed and the ability to attach herself to an allied champion, becoming untargetable and gaining access to their abilities.

Understanding Yumi Sin’s Abilities

Yumi Sin, a skilled assassin in League of Legends, possesses a unique set of abilities that make her a formidable force on the battlefield. Understanding her abilities is crucial for players to effectively utilize her strengths and maximize her impact in the game.

Passive Ability: Conviction

Yumi’s passive ability, Conviction, grants her increased attack speed for a short duration after casting a spell. This ability empowers her basic attacks, allowing her to deal significant damage in quick succession. The attack speed bonus scales with Yumi’s ability power, making it particularly effective when combined with items that enhance her AP.

Q Ability: Pounce

Yumi’s Q ability, Pounce, is a dash that deals damage to the first enemy it hits. The ability also grants Yumi bonus movement speed for a short duration, allowing her to chase down enemies or escape dangerous situations. The damage of Pounce scales with Yumi’s attack damage, making it a potent tool for both early and late-game skirmishes.

W Ability: Spinning Blade

Yumi’s W ability, Spinning Blade, is a skillshot that deals damage to enemies it passes through. The ability can be cast twice, with the second cast dealing increased damage. Spinning Blade is a versatile ability that can be used for wave clear, poke damage, or finishing off low-health targets.

The damage of Spinning Blade scales with Yumi’s attack damage and ability power, making it a valuable tool in both physical and magical damage builds.

E Ability: Cataclysm

Yumi’s E ability, Cataclysm, is a channeled ultimate that deals damage over time to enemies within a large area. The ability also slows enemies hit by it, making it an effective tool for crowd control and area denial. Cataclysm’s damage scales with Yumi’s ability power, making it a devastating ultimate when combined with AP-enhancing items.

R Ability: Final Hour

Yumi’s R ability, Final Hour, is a global ultimate that allows her to teleport to an allied champion and channel a powerful beam that deals damage to enemies in a line. The beam can be extended by killing enemies, allowing Yumi to deal massive damage to multiple targets.

Final Hour is a game-changing ultimate that can be used to secure kills, initiate team fights, or provide support to allies from across the map.

Positioning and Movement

Proper positioning is crucial for Yumi’s survival and effectiveness in team fights. As a ranged champion with limited mobility, she must carefully choose her position to maximize her damage output while minimizing her exposure to enemy threats.Yumi’s W ability, Wind Wall, provides her with a temporary barrier that blocks enemy projectiles.

This ability can be used defensively to protect herself and her allies from incoming attacks or offensively to disrupt enemy skill shots and vision. Effectively utilizing Wind Wall requires good timing and anticipation of enemy movements.Yumi’s E ability, Zephyr, grants her increased movement speed and a short dash.

This ability can be used to engage, disengage, or reposition herself during team fights. Proper use of Zephyr allows Yumi to quickly dodge enemy abilities, chase down targets, or escape from dangerous situations.By combining Wind Wall and Zephyr, Yumi can effectively navigate team fights and stay alive.

Her positioning should prioritize staying behind her teammates and using her abilities to protect herself and her allies from enemy threats.

Positioning Tips

* Stay behind your team’s frontline to minimize your exposure to enemy attacks.

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  • Use Wind Wall to block incoming projectiles and protect yourself and your allies.
  • Use Zephyr to engage, disengage, or reposition yourself during team fights.
  • Be aware of enemy crowd control abilities and position yourself accordingly to avoid being caught out.
  • Communicate with your team to coordinate Wind Wall usage and protect high-priority targets.


Yumi’s item build should complement her role as a support, enhancing her abilities and survivability. Core items include Moonstone Renewer for increased healing and damage, Staff of Flowing Water for increased healing and crowd control, and Redemption for teamwide healing and protection.

Situational Items

  • Ardent Censer: Enhances healing and provides attack speed for allies, ideal for team compositions with auto-attack-reliant carries.
  • Mikael’s Blessing: Provides strong healing and the ability to remove crowd control effects, useful against teams with heavy crowd control.
  • Shurelya’s Battlesong: Grants increased movement speed and crowd control, suitable for engaging or disengaging team fights.

Runes and Summoner Spells

Optimizing Yumi’s performance requires careful consideration of runes and summoner spells. These choices can significantly enhance her abilities as a support champion.


Yumi’s recommended rune setup revolves around maximizing her utility and survivability. The keystone rune, Guardian, provides a shield for both Yumi and her attached ally, increasing their resilience in lane and team fights.

  • Guardian:Provides a shield to Yumi and her attached ally, mitigating damage and enhancing survivability.
  • Font of Life:Heals nearby allied champions when Yumi or her attached ally impairs an enemy champion, boosting team sustain.
  • Bone Plating:Grants bonus armor, reducing damage taken from enemy auto attacks in the early game.
  • Revitalize:Increases the effectiveness of heals and shields, amplifying Yumi’s support capabilities.
  • Magical Footwear:Provides free boots, allowing Yumi to save gold for other essential items.
  • Cosmic Insight:Reduces the cooldown of summoner spells and active items, enhancing Yumi’s utility and versatility.

Summoner Spells

Yumi’s optimal summoner spell choices prioritize her supportive role. Flash remains essential for escaping ganks and positioning herself in team fights. Exhaust provides crowd control and slows enemy champions, aiding in peel and securing kills.

  • Flash:A versatile spell that allows Yumi to reposition quickly, escape danger, or engage on enemies.
  • Exhaust:Slows and reduces the damage output of an enemy champion, providing peel for Yumi’s team and setting up kills.

Synergy with Allies

Yumi excels as a support champion, enhancing her allies’ abilities and playstyles. Her unique attachment mechanic allows her to latch onto an allied champion, granting them bonus stats and abilities.

Yumi’s synergy with certain champions can be particularly effective, maximizing their potential and providing a formidable duo in the game.

Champion Pairings

  • Kai’Sa:Yumi’s bonus attack speed and movement speed boost Kai’Sa’s mobility and damage output, allowing her to kite enemies and melt through their defenses.
  • Yasuo:Yumi’s ultimate ability, Final Chapter, provides Yasuo with a knock-up, allowing him to unleash his ultimate, Last Breath, with devastating effect.
  • Miss Fortune:Yumi’s bonus damage on attached allies synergizes well with Miss Fortune’s passive ability, Love Tap, granting her additional damage on every fourth auto-attack.
  • Jhin:Yumi’s ability to proc Jhin’s Deadly Flourish with her basic attacks makes them a formidable lane combination, allowing Jhin to stack his passive ability and deal massive damage.

Counters and Weaknesses

Despite her utility and versatility, Yumi possesses certain weaknesses that can be exploited by her opponents. Here are some champions and strategies that effectively counter Yumi:

Champions that Counter Yumi

  • Morgana: Morgana’s Dark Binding and Black Shield can interrupt Yumi’s attachment and prevent her from casting spells.
  • Thresh: Thresh’s Death Sentence and Flay can easily pull Yumi off her host, making her vulnerable.
  • Blitzcrank: Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab can hook Yumi, instantly detaching her from her host.
  • Nautilus: Nautilus’ Anchor can hook Yumi, forcing her to detach from her host and allowing her team to engage on her.

Weaknesses and Exploitations

  • Low Mobility: Yumi is extremely immobile, making her susceptible to ganks and burst damage.
  • Reliance on Host: Yumi’s effectiveness is heavily dependent on her host, making her vulnerable if her host is killed or forced to retreat.
  • Lack of Crowd Control: Yumi has limited crowd control abilities, making it difficult for her to peel for her team or disrupt enemy engagements.

Tips for Overcoming Counters and Mitigating Weaknesses

  • Ward Wisely: Place wards in strategic locations to avoid ganks and give your team time to respond.
  • Choose the Right Host: Select a host who can protect you or provide peel, such as a tank or bruiser.
  • Coordinate with Team: Communicate with your team to ensure they understand Yumi’s weaknesses and provide support when needed.
  • Build Defensive Items: Consider building items that provide defensive stats, such as Zhonya’s Hourglass or Banshee’s Veil, to increase your survivability.

Laning Phase

Yumi is primarily played as a support champion in the bottom lane, where she pairs with an Attack Damage Carry (ADC) and assists them in winning their lane and scaling into the mid and late game. During the laning phase, Yumi’s role is to provide her ADC with sustain, utility, and additional damage.

In the early levels, Yumi focuses on harassing the enemy laners with her Q – Prowling Projectile. This ability allows her to deal damage from a distance while staying attached to her ADC. Additionally, Yumi’s E – Zoomies provides her ADC with a burst of movement speed, allowing them to engage or disengage from fights more easily.

As the laning phase progresses, Yumi transitions into a more supportive role. She uses her W – You and Me! to shield her ADC from damage and heal them over time. Additionally, Yumi’s ultimate ability, Final Chapter, provides her ADC with a significant boost in attack speed and critical strike chance, allowing them to deal massive damage to enemy champions.


When trading with enemy laners, Yumi should prioritize using her Q – Prowling Projectile to harass them while staying attached to her ADC. She can also use her E – Zoomies to dodge enemy skill shots or to engage on enemy champions.

If the enemy laners are low on health, Yumi can use her ultimate ability, Final Chapter, to secure a kill.


Yumi can harass enemy laners by using her Q – Prowling Projectile to deal damage from a distance. She can also use her E – Zoomies to engage on enemy champions and deal damage with her auto-attacks. Additionally, Yumi can use her ultimate ability, Final Chapter, to burst down enemy champions who are low on health.

Supporting the ADC

Yumi provides her ADC with sustain, utility, and additional damage. She uses her W – You and Me! to shield her ADC from damage and heal them over time. Additionally, Yumi’s E – Zoomies provides her ADC with a burst of movement speed, allowing them to engage or disengage from fights more easily.

Yumi’s ultimate ability, Final Chapter, provides her ADC with a significant boost in attack speed and critical strike chance, allowing them to deal massive damage to enemy champions.

Dealing with Different Lane Matchups

Yumi’s laning phase can vary depending on the enemy lane matchup. Against aggressive lane matchups, such as Leona or Nautilus, Yumi should prioritize staying attached to her ADC and using her W – You and Me! to shield them from damage.

She should also use her E – Zoomies to dodge enemy skill shots and to disengage from fights. Against poke-heavy lane matchups, such as Caitlyn or Ezreal, Yumi should focus on using her Q – Prowling Projectile to harass the enemy laners and to push the wave.

She should also use her E – Zoomies to dodge enemy skill shots and to engage on enemy champions who are out of position.

Mid and Late Game

As the game progresses, Yumi transitions from a lane-dominant support to a team-fight powerhouse. Her ultimate ability, Final Chapter, becomes increasingly impactful, allowing her to attach to an ally and grant them bonus damage, attack speed, and movement speed.

To maximize her impact, Yumi should focus on positioning herself safely in team fights, while prioritizing attaching to high-value targets like the ADC or a fed assassin. Her ability to enhance her allies’ damage output makes her a formidable force in team fights.


Yumi’s positioning is crucial in the mid and late game. She is a squishy champion with no innate escape mechanisms, so staying out of harm’s way is essential. She should always prioritize attaching to an ally who is in a safe position, such as behind the tank or on the outskirts of the fight.

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Target Selection

Yumi’s ultimate ability, Final Chapter, grants her attached ally bonus damage, attack speed, and movement speed. Therefore, she should prioritize attaching to high-value targets who can maximize these bonuses. ADCs, fed assassins, and champions with strong team-fight potential are all excellent choices for Yumi to attach to.

Maximizing Final Chapter

Yumi’s ultimate ability, Final Chapter, is her most impactful ability in the mid and late game. To maximize its effectiveness, she should use it wisely and prioritize attaching to allies who can make the most of the bonuses it provides.

She should also be aware of the enemy team’s crowd control abilities and try to avoid attaching to allies who are likely to be interrupted.

Team Fight Strategies: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

In team fights, Yumi excels as a supportive champion who can enhance her allies and disrupt the enemy team’s engagements. Her abilities allow her to provide utility, protection, and damage.

Positioning is crucial for Yumi during team fights. She should stay behind her team, preferably near the backline, to avoid being targeted and disrupted. Her ultimate ability, Final Chapter, grants her invulnerability and increased movement speed, making it an ideal tool for repositioning or engaging.

Peeling for Allies

  • Yumi’s passive ability, Zoomies, grants her allies movement speed. She can use this to help her teammates dodge enemy skill shots or reposition quickly.
  • Her Q ability, Prowling Projectile, can be used to slow enemy champions, making it easier for her team to catch up and engage.

Disrupting Enemy Engagements

  • Yumi’s E ability, You and Me!, can be used to attach herself to an ally, making her untargetable and immune to crowd control. This can be used to disrupt enemy engages by preventing them from targeting her attached ally.

  • Her ultimate ability, Final Chapter, can be used to provide invulnerability and increased movement speed to her team. This can be used to initiate a team fight or to escape from a losing one.

Advanced Techniques

Mastering Yumi’s advanced techniques unlocks her true potential as a support champion. These techniques enhance her damage output, utility, and overall effectiveness in team fights.

Animation Canceling

Animation canceling involves interrupting the animation of one ability with another, allowing Yumi to cast abilities more quickly and smoothly. A common technique is to cancel the animation of her Q (Piercing Arrow) by immediately casting her E (Zoomies). This allows Yumi to reposition herself and fire off a Q in rapid succession.

Combo Execution, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi’s combos are crucial for maximizing her burst damage. A basic combo involves casting Q, followed by E to engage, then R (Final Chapter) to activate her ultimate. During her ultimate, Yumi can cast Q and E again for additional damage.

Optimizing combo execution requires practice and understanding the timing of each ability.

High-Level Gameplay

High-level Yumi players demonstrate exceptional positioning, map awareness, and target selection. They prioritize attaching to the team’s carry champions, providing constant healing and protection. In team fights, they use their ultimate strategically to peel for their allies or engage on enemy threats.


Yumi Sin is a versatile support champion who excels at providing utility and protection for her team. Her unique ability to attach to an ally and grant them bonuses makes her an ideal choice for enabling carries and protecting them from harm.While

Yumi’s strengths lie in her utility and ability to boost her allies, she also has some weaknesses. Her immobility makes her vulnerable to ganks and dives, and her dependence on her ally’s positioning can sometimes lead to her being caught out of position.For

players looking to improve their Yumi gameplay, it is important to focus on positioning and map awareness. Staying close to your carry and warding the surrounding area can help prevent ganks and dives. Additionally, learning to use Yumi’s abilities effectively can make a significant difference in team fights.

Additional Tips

* Communicate with your team to coordinate ganks and dives.

  • Use your ultimate, Final Chapter, to provide a powerful shield and damage boost to your team.
  • Don’t be afraid to detach from your ally if you need to heal or reposition.
  • Ward the surrounding area to provide vision and prevent ganks.
  • Learn to use your abilities effectively to maximize their impact in team fights.

Final Wrap-Up

Mastering Yumi Sin requires a deep understanding of her abilities, positioning, and synergy with allies. By leveraging her unique strengths and mitigating her weaknesses, players can unleash Yumi’s full potential and become an invaluable asset to their team. This guide has provided a comprehensive overview of Yumi’s gameplay, empowering players with the knowledge and strategies necessary to excel in the League of Legends arena.

Key Questions Answered

What is Yumi Sin’s role in a team?

Yumi Sin excels as a support champion, providing utility and protection to her allies.

How can I effectively position Yumi in team fights?

Position Yumi behind your team’s frontline, allowing her to safely attach to allies and maximize her abilities.

What are some core items for Yumi Sin?

Moonstone Renewer, Staff of Flowing Water, and Ardent Censer are essential items that enhance Yumi’s healing and support capabilities.

Which champions synergize well with Yumi Sin?

Yumi excels with champions who have strong damage output and mobility, such as Ezreal, Kai’Sa, and Miss Fortune.

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About the Author: Jason